So. What's this blog about? Why would anyone want to gush about all the things they want or might want some day when they aren't even close to being ready for those very things anyway?
Well, I happen to like writing. And finding pictures of things I want or might want. And dreaming of having a place to put those things. So why not put it all together?
That's what this blog is for... A sort of fantastical wishlist of things that catch my eye on a certain date - because I certainly don't expect to like the exact same things one or five years from now. Just like how when I was a kid, my dad tried to explain how fashion evolves all the time and I resolutely declared that I would always wear spandex and baggy tops.
I have since learned to accept that my judgment can be a little off, my preferences change over time, and sometimes I just don't know what I want. But when all three align, it's like my world lights up. So I hope to share some of the things that I like looking at and maybe will one day get. That's all.